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Anthony's Testimonial
Written Testimonials


"Excellent.  Very powerful.  revolutionaized my whole concept prayinging. It revolutionized my whole concept of praying.  It opened my heart and and mind to approcah prayer in a different way".  Juanita


"This was a good spiritual experience and I learned new how to pray differently...I have authority through God's word."  - Mattie


"The court of heaven is real.  This changes my whole perspective.  Before we grew up doing what we do as kids." - Carrie


"(WAR ROOM) helped me understand why prayer needs to be specific and detailed, and why some things are the way they are when I pray.  I will use what I've learned today and apply it (to my life). - Deanna 


“I’m going to apply a lot of things as far as addressing my prayers getting answered, like generational curses, to see if I’ve given a legal right for the enemy to hinder my prayers getting answered. Now, I expect prayers to be answered speedily and fall into place. I love Bishop Lyons and how he defined being in the character of Jesus when we say in His Name. Very informative. I learned more to sharpen my skills.”  -Jonathan 


Please share your testimony of your WAR ROOM EXPERIENCE!
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